Friday, December 28, 2012

It won't be long now!!!

Bella is getting bigger and slowing down a lot.  She uses the stairs to get up and down off the deck more often than not.  The babies have started moving and last night they were really having a party in there!  Later today we should get a good idea of how many puppies there are when we have an xray!

Tuesday, December 25, 2012

It's Christmas Day!!!

Merry Christmas to all!  Bella is getting bigger by the minute!  She is still eating her dog food but is starting to slow down as the puppies are taking up so much room.  Soon I will be tempting her with tasty people food and canned dog food mixed with her kibble!  We set up the new whelping box on
Christmas Eve and look what Santa left for the dogs!

It's hard to get comfortable these days!
Look what Santa brought!!!

Tuesday, December 18, 2012

Merry Christmas!

Bella had a great check-up at the vet yesterday -  all labwork normal and she has gained FIVE pounds in just two weeks!!!  My vet says it is all puppy weight so Bella got the best news ever - she can have as  much as she wants to eat!!!  My Bella loves her groceries!!!!  Soon there won't be much room in there for food and she will have to have smaller meals but more of them.  We have scheduled an x-ray for December 28th and then will get a pretty good idea of how many puppies she will have!

Bella says she sure hopes her puppies aren't as big as this one!!!

Monday, December 17, 2012

Bella is 6 weeks PG!

I am really seeing changes in Bella, she seems to grow a little bit every single day now!  She is 26 1/2" around her middle, which is up 2 or 3" from 2 weeks ago.  We go to the vet today for her "check-up".  Here are some photos from the weekend.

I thought I didn't have to be groomed any more now that I am with child(ren)!!!

Bella relaxing after a lot of grooming!  You can see she's really getting pudgy!

Friday, December 14, 2012

Bella relaxing

Here is Bella relaxing at home this morning "nursing" her moon toy.  I think I better order her another moon - this one is getting pretty ragged!  We go back to the vet on Monday for labwork to be sure "Mama Bella" is not anemic and in good shape physically.  It won't be long now!  Seems like by the time pregnancy is confirmed the babies are here in no time!


Monday, December 10, 2012

Great news - Bella is PREGNANT!

Great news at the vet last week - Bella is definitely pregnant and her due date is early January! We are so excited!
Bella has been practicing being a mom with her favorite toy.  She LOVES being pregnant!
Here is Bella lounging on the bed 5 weeks pregnant - I can already see a big change in her!